Energy Management

Duckworth & Associates provides our customers with Energy Savings Solutions by offering the following services:
Conduct an energy audit of your facility with a review of your existing energy consumption, utility rates, operating conditions, and comparison to industry standards.
Review building and process ventilation systems for opportunities related to airflow reductions, equipment run-time curtailment, or efficiency improvements.
Evaluate opportunities for controls upgrades with Energy Management System (EMS) implementation.
Review opportunities for utility conversion and greenhouse gas reductions.
Development of a concept report detailing energy reduction opportunities, annual savings, project cost estimates, and return of investment (ROI).
Concept engineering of the proposed process changes, with design and detail drawings.
Assist in sizing and selecting new equipment to achieve energy savings goals and initiatives.
Aid in obtaining utility company rebate and incentive money to support the funding of the project.
Provide project management support during the implementation of the energy savings initiatives, to ensure project success and energy savings are being achieved.

734) 455-7500 | 14496 N. Sheldon Rd. Suite 210 | Plymouth, MI 48170-3699 | info@duckworth-associates.com